Data + Marketing Integrations



About the AIQ <> Shopify Integration

Review our Integration Grid for supported features.

Shopify can be used as an e-commerce platform and a POS in store. Our integration has the ability to pull in contacts and orders along with pushing new signups.

How to Connect Shopify to AIQ

In order to connect your Store to AIQ, you must first create a private app and grant AIQ the necessary permissions to sync with your Shopify account

Shopify Steps

  1. In Shopify, navigate to "Apps and sales channels" from the side navigation
  2. Select “Develop Apps” near the top of the Apps and sales channels page

    Document image
  3. Create an App
    • Name the app "AIQ"
    • Create the app
  4. Edit Permissions: “Configure Admin API Scopes”. The following Scopes must be enabled in Shopify for the integration with AIQ to be successful:
    • read_orders
    • read_products
    • read_locations
    • read_analytics
    • read_apps
    • read_assigned_fulfillment_orders
    • read_customer_events
    • write_customers
    • read_customers
    • read_discounts
    • read_inventory
  5. Save
  6. Install App

AIQ Steps

After creating your Private App in Shopify, we'll need to enter the ShopName, API Key & Admin API Access Token into AIQ to complete the connection.

  1. In AIQ, navigate to Settings > Integrations
  2. Find Shopify and click Connect.
  3. Enter the following information into the AIQ integration card
    • Shop Name = URL for the shop exactly like it’s shown before “” in your shop URL
      • (enter exampleshoprules)
    • API key = API key from your AIQ Shopify private app
    • Password = Admin API Access Token from your AIQ Shopify private app, it will begin with 'shpat_'
    • Relevant market of credential (optional) = State/Province(s) these credentials would sync contacts from
    • Repeat for each set of credentials.
  4. Toggling Sync personas will allow for the integration to begin syncing your Shopify customers and sales into AIQ within 24 hours
  5. Save

If your Shopify integration connects to a regulated industry or market, you'll also need to check the box next to Required All users from this source have passed an age gate compliant with my industry for data to begin syncing

How to Map a Store

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Company Account > Retail Store
  2. Click Edit on the store you wish you map
  3. Under Store Mappings you'll see the Shopify symbol
  4. Click on the empty field to the right of the symbol and a dropdown will appear to "map" the key
  5. Click Save settings and you are done mapping the store. Keep in mind this must be repeated for any additional stores that you add to the account.

AIQ <> Shopify: User Guide

These settings are not required, however, if updated at a later time they can alter the data ingested from Shopify.

  • POS: Enabling this will also allow AIQ to capture sales and inventory from the connected Shopify stores
  • Locations: Enabling this will allow AIQ to pull fulfillment locations to assign store names to sales.
  • Dynamic Content: Enabling this will allow AIQ to pull products for dynamic content. Requires 'read_inventory' access scope authorization.
  • Abandon Cart: Enabling this will allow AIQ to facilitate abandon cart campaigns using dyanmic content. See Abandoned Cart Notifications for more information about how to build these types of campaigns.
    • Note: Abandoned cart messages will be sent to a consumer as soon as a cart is sent to AIQ (which, for Shopify, is after 2 hours of inactivity with a cart). Messages will only be sent to current members of the dispensary’s loyalty program, meaning they must have previously signed up for us to know they exist.


  • Can I connect multiple storefronts to my AIQ account?
    • Yes, you can add multiple sets of credentials through Settings > Integrations > Shopify.
  • Can I freeze my Shopify credentials in AIQ?
    • Yes, you are able to freeze the connection between your Shopify Ecommerce tool and AIQ. Simply toggle on 'Freeze' on your credentials in Settings > Integrations > Shopify to pause the data transfer.
  • Can my AIQ loyalty customers join my loyalty program?
    • Only if you have Shopify Plus and build out the functionality with our public API
  • Can my AIQ loyalty customers accrue points?
    • Customers can accrue loyalty points by placing an order via Shopify
  • Can my AIQ loyalty customers redeem points?
    • Only if you have Shopify Plus and build out the functionality with our public API, other than a promo code.
  • I am getting an account notification that I have unmapped stores, how can I fix this?
    • Once you see data coming through AIQ, you must "map" the API key to the store(s) to assign a "favorite store" to the customer. See How to Map a Store above for directions on how to accomplish this.
  • Are there any additional settings I can enable?