


Discounts is where you will manage the active discounts your customers are able to redeem.

  • Discounts are typically applied as $ or % off of the entire cart. Some point of sales allow for a Partner Platform Reward.
  • Discounts can be redeemed with enough earned points or gifted to target customers to use at their discretion.
  • Discounts can be highly targeted: You can specify which audiences and locations should be eligible for the discount.

For regulated industries: Ensure that discounts are legal in the state(s) in which you operate before creating them for customers to use.

Creating Discounts

Discounts Page

Navigate to Marketing > Discounts.


If your POS and/or Ecommerce are connected to AIQ, these stats will also count synced discount events from those sources.

Active discounts = total number of active discounts. Active discounts can be redeemed / Archive discounts are not available to be redeemed

Link opens = total number of times the discount link has been opened for all filtered discounts.

Redemptions = total number of times all filtered discounts have been redeemed.

Discount List

  • ID (Discount ID)
    • Add to your POS or Ecommerce to tie the discount to AIQ for loyalty 
    • Check out our resources on Integrations for more info on setting up discounts with your specific POS or Ecommerce provider.
  • Name: Internal name. Not shown to the customer.
  • Starts On: Date/time the discount became - or will become - available for redemption.
  • Expires On: Date/time the discount ends (no longer available for redemption)
  • Expiry: The number of days/hours the relative expiration is set to for the discount
  • Points: The amount of points required to redeem the discount
  • Opens: The number of times the discount has been opened.
  • Redemptions: The number of times the discount has been redeemed
  • Order: Priority to show the discount in the customer’s wallet
  • Last Updated: The date/time the discount was last updated by staff


  • Export Redemptions to a CSV: Download a report to manage externally
  • Archive Discount: Deacivates the selected discount

Discount Groups

Discount Groups can be used to organize and take bulk action on your discounts from the Discounts overview.

Discount FAQs

How can I make a discount expire "X" days after it gets added to their wallet?

Set a Relative Expiration (days or hours). See Discount Builder for more information.

Can a discount be used more than one time?

Yes. The setting can be found in the Discount Builder > Redemption > "Can this discount be used more than one time?" See Discount Builder for more information.

This is particularly relevant for Tiered Discounts as customers can have enough points to redeem a discount that depletes points and still have plenty leftover to redeem the same discount at a later date.

What's the difference between "Tiered Discounts" and "Custom Discounts"

Tiered discounts live statically in the customer's wallet and generally require points to redeem.

  • They will always show whether you can redeem them or not, and show you how many more points that are needed if you are under the redemption amount.
  • This gives your customers a target points total to work towards to redeem discounts.
  • These can be flat % or $ off values, or you can get creative and give customers the ability to redeem points for "Merch Bundles" or "Accessory Bundles"

Custom discounts require that a customer meet the criteria of the discount and only show up in a customer's wallet when they meet that criteria.

  • For instance, a Birthday Discount will only show up in a customer's wallet on their birthday because you selected the Is their birthday audience as being eligible or this discount when creating it

How do I push my AIQ discounts to my POS or Ecommerce platform?

See Integrations for more information about your specific POS or Ecommerce provider.