Discounts is where you will manage the active discounts your customers are able to redeem.
- Discounts are typically applied as $ or % off of the entire cart. Some point of sales allow for a Partner Platform Reward.
- Discounts can be redeemed with enough earned points or gifted to target customers to use at their discretion.
- Discounts can be highly targeted: You can specify which audiences and locations should be eligible for the discount.
For regulated industries: Ensure that discounts are legal in the state(s) in which you operate before creating them for customers to use.
See Discount Builder๏ปฟ.
Navigate to Marketing > Discounts.
If your POS and/or Ecommerce are connected to AIQ, these stats will also count synced discount events from those sources.
Active discounts = total number of active discounts. Active discounts can be redeemed / Archive discounts are not available to be redeemed
Link opens = total number of times the discount link has been opened for all filtered discounts.
Redemptions = total number of times all filtered discounts have been redeemed.
- ID (Discount ID)
- Add to your POS or Ecommerce to tie the discount to AIQ for loyaltyย
- Check out our resources on Integrations๏ปฟ for more info on setting up discounts with your specific POS or Ecommerce provider.
- Name: Internal name. Not shown to the customer.
- Starts On: Date/time the discount became - or will become - available for redemption.
- Expires On: Date/time the discount ends (no longer available for redemption)
- Expiry: The number of days/hours the relative expiration is set to for the discount
- Points: The amount of points required to redeem the discount
- Opens: The number of times the discount has been opened.
- Redemptions: The number of times the discount has been redeemed
- Order: Priority to show the discount in the customerโs wallet
- Last Updated: The date/time the discount was last updated by staff
- Export Redemptions to a CSV: Download a report to manage externally
- Archive Discount: Deacivates the selected discount
Discount Groups can be used to organize and take bulk action on your discounts from the Discounts overview.
Set a Relative Expiration (days or hours). See Discount Builder๏ปฟ for more information.
Yes. The setting can be found in the Discount Builder > Redemption > "Can this discount be used more than one time?" See Discount Builder๏ปฟ for more information.
This is particularly relevant for Tiered Discounts as customers can have enough points to redeem a discount that depletes points and still have plenty leftover to redeem the same discount at a later date.
Tiered discounts live statically in the customer's wallet and generally require points to redeem.
- They will always show whether you can redeem them or not, and show you how many more points that are needed if you are under the redemption amount.
- This gives your customers a target points total to work towards to redeem discounts.
- These can be flat % or $ off values, or you can get creative and give customers the ability to redeem points for "Merch Bundles" or "Accessory Bundles"
Custom discounts require that a customer meet the criteria of the discount and only show up in a customer's wallet when they meet that criteria.
- For instance, a Birthday Discount will only show up in a customer's wallet on their birthday because you selected the Is their birthday audience as being eligible or this discount when creating it
See Integrations๏ปฟ for more information about your specific POS or Ecommerce provider.