Discount Builder
Name: Internal name of your discount. For internal use only. Is not shown to customers.
What type of discount is this?
- Normal: Points are required for redemptions.
- Example: 400 points = $40 off on 1 purchase
- Tier reward: These rewards live static in the customer's wallet and require points to use. Think of these as a discount goal a customer can work towards by making more purchases. Example:
- 400 points = "Tier 4" audience member and 4% discount on all purchases
- Note: If you're implementing Tiered Discounts, formulate a plan for how many points will be needed for each Tier.
Tier rewards are available on all transactions for the tiered customer, while normal rewards will need to be redeemed.
Personas at: Retail stores the discount is available to
Personas in: Audience(s) of customers the discount is available to
- Note: You must use the filters available in the audience tool.
Prize wheel? (requires native app)
- If toggled to ON, this discount will be available within the spin-to-win app prize wheel, see Prize Wheel for more information.
- Start: Date/time the discount becomes available
- End: The discount will expire X time after the customer receives it.
- e.g. Black Friday runs from 11/25/24 5:00am to 11/25/24 9:00pm
- Relative expiration: How many days/hours after receiving the discount, that it will expire and no longer be redeemable.
- e.g. Setting a birthday discount to expire 7 days it gets added to a customer's wallet, after which it will no longer be redeemable.
- What are you discounting? (aka Discount Identifier): Discount Name shown within AIQ customer wallet
- Short Description: Shown in AIQ wallet and on redemption page
- Images:
- Logo: Small, circular image at the top of the discount
- Defaults to your Profile pic from Account Settings
- You can also upload a custom image: 800kb or smaller square image
- Cover: Large image, behind the logo
- Defaults to the Cover Pic uploaded to Account Settings
- You can also upload a custom image: 1000px by 300px
- Discount image (optional): Large image in the center of the discount (square sizes look best)
- Additional Details: Optionally give your customers more information about the discount.
- Redemption confirmation (1st confirm/cancel): Popup shown to customers after selecting to redeem a discount
- Double Confirmation (2nd confirm/cancel): Second popup with additional confirmation message
- Option to toggle 2nd confirmation on or off
- Pre-Title text: Text shown above the discount title in the AIQ wallet
- Fine print: Small print available at the bottom of the discount
See Discount Redemption Options for more information about setting up the different options for static and partner platform redemptions.
Make sure your settings are good to go, and don't forget to Save!
Updated 18 Sep 2024

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