
Bulk Import Personas


Importing Personas via file upload can be used for:

  • Bulk adding customers from another loyalty or marketing provider
  • Filling in missing customers - or their data - that was not provided by your integrated POS or other data connections
  • Segmenting specific customers into an audience
    • Customers added via file upload automatically have an audience generated for them
  • Bulk adjusting data, such as: Loyalty signup dates, SMS/Email opt-in statuses, and Loyalty points

How to Import Personas

  1. Navigate to Customers > Personas and click Add (+)
  2. Click the button "Bulk Import Personas"
  3. Here you can see which column headers you can use in your file. Supported file types are .csv, .xlxs, and .xls.
    • Note: Only single excel sheets (.xls) files are supported (1 tab), not all sheets in a full excel file.
  4. Click Upload File
    • You can find our templates below, or use our file mapping to make sure the data in the columns are correctly lining up with your intended mapping.
    • The Explicit SMS Opt-out column must be set to TRUE to opt a persona out of receiving text messages.
  5. Once uploaded, you will see an indication via a checkmark of which Column Headers were successfully included in this upload. You will also see a confirmation of the filename that was upload and have the ability to Remove the file. Click Next
  6. Map the file allows you to choose which column headers map to which, or you can ignore certain data. Make any necessary edits and click Next.
  7. Optionally Opt-in personas to Email/SMS. Accept the Terms (required).
  8. Click Import Personas

Import Persona Templates

Import customers from a previous loyalty or marketing provider

Set SMS opt-in and opt-out statuses

  • In this example sample file:
    • [email protected] is currently opted in, and we need them opted out. The column Explicit SMS Opt-out must be TRUE.
    • [email protected] and [email protected] are currently in AIQ, but are not opted in. We will use the Opt-in SMS column and ignore the Explicit SMS Opt-out column.
      • Make sure you have consent before opting-in customers.
  • Only the personas in the file will have their opt-in statuses affected by the upload.

Adding or Subtracting Loyalty Points

  • The Points column indicates points to be added or subtracted from a persona's balance. This does not set their total balance to the value provided.
  • In this example sample file:

Set customer type (veteran, police, locals, etc.)

  • In this example sample file:
    • The column mapping Customer Type is designated specifically for medical and recreational statuses.
    • Custom Attribute is used for any other attribute veteran or police in this case; set these to TRUE if you want to add the custom attribute to the persona.


How do I ensure I'm not creating duplicate personas on upload?

We match on phone or email, so a phone or email must be included in your file upload to address duplicate personas.

How long do persona imports take to make changes?

Imports take 24 hours to process. File deletions also take 24 hours to process. Generated audiences are not populated for the 24 hours.

Does the Points column in my spreadsheet add/subtract points to the persona's balance OR does it set the balance to the number in the spreadsheet?

It adds/subtracts points. It does NOT set the total balance.

Updated 12 Feb 2025
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