Your customers can enter the AIQ ecosystem a few different ways but regardless of where they came from, the Personas page is where they live. Contacts synced from the point-of-sale, uploaded via a raw file, or signed up via your Loyalty Sign-up From will all end up on this page
- Only contacts with PII (Personal Identifiable Information) will end up on your Personas page. Anonymous transactions won't land here so if you want a house for your customers in AIQ, be sure to attach a phone number or email to every profile in your point-of-sale
- AIQ automatically merges or dedupes personas based on the phone number or email so as long as one of those is attached to the persona, you don't have to worry about duplicate profiles
Head to the left-hand navigation bar and under Customers, click on Personas
Below is where all your customers live:
You'll see the customer's main contact information along with:
- Sourced from: this is how the contact got into AIQ.
- Loyalty: they came in via a Sign-up form
- Raw file: they came in via a manual CSV upload
- [Software integrated with AIQ]: whichever system you have integrated will be listed in this column if the contact came in through that platform
- ID: the customer's unique AIQ ID. You'll need this if you ever need to manually merge contacts which we'll cover a little further down
The best way to search for individual personas is by phone number or email. If searching by name, make sure to put the contact's name in quotation marks so it only pulls an exact match of that name.
Click Show smart search options? to see a list of conditions you can add to your search if looking for things like "Phone (mobile) on file", "Loyalty member", etc. Click the "copy" icon next to the condition you want to add, paste it into the search bar, and click Search.
Export a CSV of the contact lists or, if you require signatures on sign-up forms, the signatures stored at any point via Download CSV or Download Signatures in the top-right of the Personas page.
If you want to see more granular details about your customer, merge accounts, adjust points, and more, click View in the far right column under Action and let's dive in
Each of the 9 tabs gives you a different insight into that individual persona.
- General: Displays an overview of the persona's data. At the top of the General tab you will see buttons to the persona's view within the Staff App, send the customer their wallet link, send the customer a refer-a-friend link, and merge this profile with another. Below that you will also see what the persona is opted into. You will see the Traits for the persona with the ability edit or quickly copy and paste a trait's value. Additionally, you can add custom information to the persona with the Custom Tags and Custom Attributes area in the General tab.
- View their wallet: Displays what that persona's wallet looks like from within the native app or web wallet.
- Points & Orders: A timeline of this persona's transactions, the details of those transactions, and if/how those transactions affected this persona's points totals. This is also where you'll manually adjust a customer's points if there's a need and that you have permissions to do so.
- Message history: Displays what messages a customer has sent.
- Survey submissions: Displays what surveys they submitted, their answers to the questions within that survey, and the survey's completion status.
- Discounts & Redemptions: This tab will only be visible if you have discounts and redemptions avalible. The Discounts & Redemptions tab gives you the ability to redeem a discount and view the redemption history. Note that some users will not see certain features based on permissions or loyalty settings on the organizations level.
- Persona Actions: If a customer opens, clicks on, or receives a text, you'll see all those actions here
- Pixel events: If you added the AIQ JS tracking pixel to any of your branded websites, you can see if this persona engaged with your sites here
- Merges: This tab will only be visible if the account has been merged. The Merges tab shows whether any automated or manual merge instances occured with this account.
- In your AIQ dashboard, scroll down to User data / privacy
- Copy the link provided and paste it into a new tab
- Click Change data preferences
- Enter the customer's phone number and/or email and select delete data or opt out depending on the need
Customers can also go through the above process themselves if you provide them with the URL to change their data preferences
No, a staff member cannot legally opt a persona into Push Notifications.
Push notifications require explicit consent from the user themselves; they must do it from the app and for the specific device they are on (push notifications are also device-dependent).
Remember that AIQ automatically merges accounts if it sees matching phone number, email, or other unique pieces of PII (personal identifiable information). If two loyalty members want to share a phone number and merge their profiles, see below:
- The customer was given a gift, boost, or multiplier which adjusted their points
- The points accrual rate was changed after-the-fact which retroactively causes a mass-points adjustment
- ⚠️ We strongly advise against this to avoid data and customer confusion.
Search by phone number or email but if you don't have either of these, search by first & last name between quotation marks
As you can see, searching by phone number or email pulls up the exact customer but if you search by name, be sure to put it in quotation marks or the search will yield every version of the name in AIQ
You can download single pages of your personas using the Download CSV option at the top of the page but if you want to download a full list of all your customers, head to your Audiences page and follow along below:
Sample Store - ALL is the default audience for your entire customer. All customers with PII (personal identifiable information) that enter AIQ will automatically fall into this audience