Redeeming Discounts with AIQ

Staff Discount Redemption Flows


How does a customer redeem a discount if they don't have their phone - or don't have the AIQ app?

Note: Staff must have the ncessary permissions required for redemption, see Staff View.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Personas, and find the desired customer.
  2. Click the Discounts & Redemptions tab.
  3. Select the available discount and click Redeem on behalf of the customer.
  4. In the POS (if your system allows for it, see Integrations), enter the discount information to apply the discount to the transaction.
  5. Complete the transaction: The transaction is completed with discount, and the loyalty redemption is logged under the customer's persona through AIQ.

I don't want customers to be able to redeem discounts in the Loyalty Native and Web Apps themselves.

To disable the ability for customers to redeem discounts themselves, Navigate to Settings > Loyalty App. There are several settings outlined below to disable or limit customer discount redemptions:

  • In Features > Points & History, you'll see toggles:
    • "Hide discount open": If enabled, this will show the discount, but disable the button to open it.
    • "Hide all discounts": If enabled, this will NOT show any discounts in the app.
  • In Verbiage & Misc > Discount Redemption Settings, you'll see toggles:
    • "Ask staff to redeem": This will disbale customer-redemption and show the button as "Ask staff to redeem"
    • "Disable redeem button": This will shoe the discount, but completely hide the redemption button.

Disabling customer redemption may lead to longer in-store checkout times.