
Promo Codes


Promo codes (aka discount codes, coupon codes) can be used for any offer type.

The most common use case would be to use a promo code for a cart discount.

Create a Promo Code

  1. Navigate to Menu > Offers
  2. You can create a promo code for Cart Discounts and Deals (not Sale offers). Add all your offer details until you get to the Settings tab.
  3. Toggle the Promo Code field ON
  4. Enter in your code
  5. Save

Only numbers and letters allowed. Codes are NOT case sensitive, both CART20 and cart20 will work at redemption.

Delete a Promo Code from an offer

  1. Navigate to Menu > Offers
  2. Open the offer you want to edit
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab
  4. Toggle the Promo Code field OFF
  5. Save

Promo Code Analytics

You can see how your promo codes performed via Offer Analytics.