Signup Forms

Popup Signup Forms


In BETA: Will be available 1/21/25

If you want your signup form to 'popup' on your website (vs static embed), you'll want to set it up as a popup form.

How to Create a Popup Signup Form

  1. Navigate to Customers > Signup Forms
  2. Create a new form and follow the same steps as outlined in Signup Forms.
  3. In Tab 4: Extras, toggle ON "This signup form is a popup"
  4. Fill in your desired display and targeting settings (explained in detail below).
  5. Save.
  6. You're done! Now onto Sharing Signup Forms.

Display Trigger

We suggest setting a loading delay or trigger based on user interaction to ensure that your signup form popup is not flagged as spam by Google and other search engines.

  • Show on page load: If no time is set, the popup will show instantly when the user opens the page. We suggest a delay of at least 10-15 seconds after page load. You want to avoid instant popups as that may affect the user experience and SEO.
  • Show on click: You can allow your users to interact with your website as normal and trigger the popup on page clicks (2-3 clicks is optimal) as well as set a delay post-click (e.g. Show 2 seconds after the 2 clicks).
  • Show on scroll: You can set a number of seconds for the popup to show after a scroll event. Consider the length of your content, you may want this to trigger almost immediately with only 1-2 second scroll delay, or may want your users to engage with your content more and set it to 5-10 seconds.
  • Show on exit: If a user signals that they may be exiting your site, you can trigger the popup form.
    • Note: If you set this to ON, you do not want to also set a time delay as the user may have already navigated away before they'd see the popup.

Display Frequency

This allows you to balance engagement with user experience. You want to drive conversions without alienating users.

  • Don't show again after form submit: we recommend setting this to ON, so if someone completes the form, they won't see it again.
  • Show again X days/hours/mins after closing: If someone dismissed the popup, they won't see it again until 3 days later, for example.
    • We recommend setting this to 3-7 days
    • If it is a time sensitive campaign, you may want to reduce that time to 1-2 days.
    • If it is a non-urgent form, you could even set this to 7-10 days.


This allows you to include or exclude specific URLs where you want your signup form popup to show, or not show.

If you add multiple rules, it is an 'OR' check, meaning it doesn't require all conditions to match—only one. For example, if any of the 'Includes' criteria are met, it will apply, provided none of the 'Excludes' criteria are matched.

Targeting Examples

  • If you ONLY want your form to show up on your home page
    • Include URLs > Is exactly >
  • If you want your form to show up on any page on your site
    • Include URLs > Contains >
  • If you want your form to show up on any of your menu pages
    • Include URLs > Contains >
    • this will show the form on ALL pages with that prefix
  • If you want the popup to show up on any of your menu pages, but NOT /cart and /checkout- recommended as to not disrupt your purchase funnel conversion rate:
    • Include URLs > Contains >
    • Exclude URLs > Is exactly >
    • Exclude URLs > Is exactly >

Popup Signup Form FAQs

What are the best popup form settings for my specific site and customer base?

We've given baseline setting recommendations in the instructions above. However, to optimize your form for your specific site, we recommend A/B testing different delays, designs, and trigger conditions to find the optimal settings for your audience.

If someone is already a loyalty member, will they see the popup too?

If they are already an existing loyalty member from the pre-popup form days, they will see the form.

If they've submitted the popup form and you've set your display settings to not show after form submit, then they shouldn't see it again.

What if my ecommerce menu is an iFrame within my main site, can it detect my popup form trigger conditions (scrolls, clicks, etc.) with the iFrame?

Yes, you can apply trigger conditions (like scroll, clicks, etc.) even if your ecommerce menu is displayed in an iFrame within your main URL.

However, if the iFrame content is hosted on a different domain than your main site, browser security policies may restrict direct access to the iFrame's DOM (e.g., detecting scroll events or clicks within the iFrame). If this is your setup, you'll have to confirm by testing a popup form on your site/iFrame.

  • Example: cannot access events in an iFrame hosted on

What if I want to create 2 or more different popup signup forms (either on the same URL or different ones)?

Since the pixel code snippet is the same per Company (not per form), it will render on the specific URLs you target. If a form has no targets, it can popup anywhere the pixel is. So if you're trying to create 2 different forms to show in different places, make sure you've properly set up your URL targeting.

Where can/should I put my popup signup form?

You can put your popup signup form on any site that you control. See Sharing Signup Forms.

Here are some examples:

  • Homepage: Use a time-delayed popup to engage users who are exploring your homepage.
    • Message Example: "Join our loyalty and get 10% off your first order!"
  • Blog Pages: Use a popup triggered after a scrolling delay. Visitors reading blog posts are often engaged and more likely to sign up for additional content.
    • Message Example: "Love what you're reading? Sign up for more!"
  • Exit-Intent Popup: Trigger when users show intent to leave the site.
    • Message Example: "Wait! Don’t miss out on exclusive deals and updates."
  • Ecommerce Menu - Product Pages: Trigger a popup after a user scrolls or clicks.
    • Message Example: "Get 10% off your first order—sign up now!"

How do we determine exit intent as a popup trigger?

We have several mechanisms in place to detect exit intent. However, identifying exit intent is not an exact science, so occasional false positives or missed signals may occur. To address this, we’ve implemented standard detection methods (for both web and mobile), including:

  • Visibility change: Detecting when a user switches tabs.
  • Scroll near the top: Identifying when a user scrolls close to the top of the page.
  • Touch gestures: Recognizing upward swipes near the top of the screen.