Audience Traits

Other Traits


Location Traits

The location trait indicates if the persona was seen within a geo-fence, providing insights into their physical presence in specific areas.

Trait Name

Trait Description

Selection Options

Seen within geo-fence

Indicates if the persona was seen within a geo-fence.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Call Traits

Call traits provide detailed analytics on a persona's interactions with phone calls, offering insights into engagement and communication effectiveness. These traits track the number of received calls, calls that went to voicemail, calls answered by a person, and completed voice message playbacks, helping to segment customers based on the persona's responsiveness and interaction preferences.

Trait Name

Trait Description

Selection Options

Number of received calls

The number of received calls.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of received calls that went to voice-mail

The number of received calls that went to voicemail.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of received calls that were answered by a person

The number of received calls that were answered by a person.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of calls where voice message playback completed

The number of calls where voice message playback was completed.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Received a call

Indicates if a call was received.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Received a call that went to voice-mail

Indicates if a call went to voicemail.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Received a call that was answered by a person

Indicates if a call was answered by a person.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Completed listening to voice message playback

Indicates if voice message playback was completed.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Received Per Order msg

Indicates if a per-order message was received.

after, on, before, between, in last, in next

Terpli Recorded Traits

Terpli traits provide insights into a persona's interactions with Terpli's review and recommendation system, helping to understand engagement and preferences. These traits track the number of general Terpli actions, review actions, review discount actions, recommendation actions, and recommendation discount actions, allowing for a detailed segmentation of persona behavior within based on information from the Terpli platform.

Trait Name

Trait Description

Selection Options

Number of any Terpli actions

The number of any Terpli actions.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of Terpli Review actions

The number of Terpli review actions.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of Terpli Review Discount actions

The number of Terpli review discount actions.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of Terpli Recommendation actions

The number of Terpli recommendation actions.

more than, exactly, less than, in range

Number of Terpli Recommendation Discount actions

The number of Terpli recommendation discount actions.

more than, exactly, less than, in range