Data + Marketing Integrations
Point of Sale



About the AIQ <> Woocommerce Integration

Review our Integration Gridο»Ώ for supported features.

How to Connect AIQ to WooCommerce

WooCommerce Steps

  1. Acquire your domain name. This is simply the link you use to visit your shop without the https:// or www.
    1. ->
  2. Generate your credentials in WooCommerce using WooCommerce's Generate API Key Documentation. ο»Ώ
    1. We support one location per credential
    2. Ensure read access is enabled.
  3. Save your Consumer key and secret to use later

AIQ Steps

  1. Navigate to Settings > Integrations, search for WooCommerce and click the green Connect button.
  2. Fill out the credentials
    1. Shop Name: Name assinged to the credentials.
    2. Domain: Your online menus domain
    3. Consumer Key: Setup in WooCommerce
    4. Consumer Secret: Setup in WooCommerce
  3. After these are filled in, click the green Add Credential button. You will need to complete this for each integration.
  4. Scroll down to the Loyalty section and check off the box next to RequiredΒ All users from this source have passed an age gate compliant with my industry.
  5. Lastly, click the green Update Connection button at the bottom of the settings. You have now completed the minimum settings needed to connect your integration!

How to Map a Store

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Company Account > Retail Store
  2. Click Edit on the store you wish you map
  3. Under Store Mappings you'll see the WooCommerce symbol
  4. Click on the empty field to the right of the symbol and a dropdown will appear to "map" the key
  5. Click Save settings and you are done mapping the store. Keep in mind this must be repeated for any additional stores that you add to the account.

AIQ <> WooCommerce: User Guide

Brands Data

Ensure you have the Brand Plugin enabled, so we can pull in your brand data from sales. If this plugin is not enabled, all products will use the "General" brand.


  • Does AIQ support Dynamic Content with WooCommerce?
    • Yes! AIQ allows using WooCommerce as a source for Dynamic Contentο»Ώ to fill in personalized recommendations in campaigns and in the Loyalty App.
  • Can we pull text opt-in's from WooCommerce?
    • We can pull in phone numbers and send an SMS opt-in text to those numbers. If you want your customers to be auto opted into texting, you need to get "written consent". You can achieve this via: AIQ form -OR- create a form on your website and ingest customers via the AIQ API (collect PII and write opt-in status)
  • Does AIQ support any customer plugins that modify sales/inventory/customers data?
    • No, we do not currently support any custom plugins that modify the data structure from the standard WooCommerce API.
  • How long does it take before I start to see my POS data in AIQ?
    • Within 24 hours, you should see data populating in AIQ
  • How can I confirm that the integration is active and signups are being sent?
    • Look under your Personas page in AIQ. The integration is functioning properly if you see "woocommerce" under the Sourced from column
  • I am getting an account notification that I have unmapped stores, how can I fix this?
    • Once you see data coming through AIQ, you must "map" the API key to the store(s) to assign a "favorite store" to the customer. See How to Map a Store above for directions on how to accomplish this.
  • Are there any additional settings I can enable?


Updated 16 Dec 2024
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