AIQ Ecommerce Integrations

Google Analytics



Get analytics about your menu's usage with AIQ Ecommerce's Google Analytics integration.

Google Analytics includes powerful metrics like how many users and page views your menu is getting, how long people are spending on the menu, and how many of them are leaving the page without clicking other links (bounce rate). Google Analytics also allows you to see where the traffic to your site is coming from. You can even narrow these parameters down to the city.


To use the Google Analytics integration:

  1. Obtain your GA4 measurement ID
  2. Open AIQ Ecommerce and navigate to integrations
  3. Click on the Google Analytics
  4. Enter your measurement ID in the field.
  5. Click Save

Test the connection between AIQ Ecommerce and Google Analytics

To see if the integration is successful, go to the Real-Time tab and then Overview in Google Analytics. You should see yourself if you have your site open in a separate tab.