AIQ Ecommerce Integrations
Point of Sale



With our Alleaves integration, you can automatically sync all of your Alleaves inventory directly into AIQ Ecommerce and automatically push online orders from AIQ Ecommerce to Alleaves.

Get Alleaves Credentials

You will need from Alleaves your Location ID, Username and Password.

AIQ Ecommerce also allows you to pull from specific area's within Alleaves. For example, if you would like to only pull from retail, you would select Retail from the drop down.

Enable the integration in AIQ Ecommerce

  1. Navigate to Store > Integrations
  2. Click on Alleaves
  3. Enable the integration toggle
  4. Input the required information
  5. Click Save
  6. Define what area(s) you would like to pull inventory from

Once you have successfully enabled your Alleaves integration, your first sync will occur within 10 minutes.

Syncing Orders

Turn on the Sync Orders toggle if you'd like AIQ Ecommerce to automatically push new orders into Alleaves when they are confirmed.

  • Delivery: When a Delivery order is created in AIQ, we will push the start and end time to Alleaves.
  • AIQ Ecom has support for Out-The-Door (OTD) pricing with Alleaves.
    • When OTD pricing is enabled, the price will be pulled from the OTD field in Alleaves.
    • If not enabled, pricing will continue to be pulled from the relevant fields based on the menu type.

Syncing Products/Inventory

Turning on this integration will trigger AIQ Ecommerce to automatically sync with Alleaves every 10 minutes.

You can also manually trigger a sync by going to Menu > Products and clicking Sync?

Inventory Mapping

When products are synced from Alleaves, AIQ Ecommerce will pull over all of the fields that your location has setup to sync and AIQ Ecommerce will map each product to a certain category. To customize which fields sync and how products are mapped, see POS Settings

AIQ supports the syncing of multiple images from Alleaves to AIQ.

Inventory Quantity

We use the Per Location Low Quantity Threshold setting in Alleaves and sync this data to AIQ Ecommerce. If the available quantity in Alleaves is less than or equal to Per Location Low Quantity Threshold, we will set the product's quantity in AIQ Ecommerce to zero which removes the product from your menu.

Deli Style

When products as marked as tiered pricing in Alleaves, we will map these tiers to AIQ Ecommerce.

When price syncing is disabled, any future pricing changes made to existing items in Alleaves will not sync over to Dispense.


AIQ Ecommerce supports the following terpenes from Alleaves. Since Alleaves allows custom chemical profiles, they must be inputted exactly as written below. These will map over to AIQ Ecommerce if you have terpenes enabled to sync.

  • 3-Carene
  • Alpha Pinene
  • Beta Caryophyllene
  • Beta Eudesmol
  • Beta Myrcene
  • Beta Pinene
  • Bisabolol
  • Caryophyllene Oxide
  • Guaiol
  • Humulene
  • Limonene
  • Linalool
  • Ocimene
  • Terpinolene
  • Terpinene
  • Trans-Nerolidol

AIQ Ecommerce pulls a Unit of Measurement (UOM) in the terpene value field within the chemical profile from Alleaves. For example, if you wish terpenes to display as 1.2%, you should input this value in the chemical profile, ensuring to include the % or mg notation. AIQ Ecommerce will default to mg if no UOM is specified.

Medical Patient Lookup

For medical orders, we will attempt to attach it to an existing profile by looking up by:

  1. Medical ID number. If no results found:
  2. Phone number. If no results found:
  3. We will create a new profile in Alleaves


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