Create a Survey
- Navigate to Customers > Surveys
- Click Add (+)
- Fill out the information as described below.
- Save.
- Internal Survey Name: The internal name to help you keep track, not shown to customers.
- Internal Description: Used to give more details regarding this particular survey, also only seen internally but gives more context or notes on what it may be used for.
- Start Date: When this survey will be available, before this date users will be shown a "Survey going live on x" screen
- End Date: When this survey stops taking responses and becomes unavailable, users will get a screen that they will no longer be able to take the survey.
Responses to questions are stored in the Persona profile. Personas can be segmented based on their answers. See Using Surveys to Create Audiences.
- Required will display with a red asterisk (*). Optional will be accepted blank.
- To delete a question, click the Delete trash can icon.
- To reorder questions, use the up/down arrows or enter a number in the box.
- Click the Add Question button at the bottom: you can either create a new question or select from existing.
- Label Text: The label on the field that the customer will see
- Placeholder Text (optional): Can show a suggestion to the customer
- Description (optional): Shows beneath the field to give the customer additional information as needed.
- Type: This is where you select your question type. We offer many options.
Do I need to add phone or email to my survey?
- No, unless you're collecting that for your own purposes. And here's why:
- Surveys sent through campaigns do not need a phone number or email because we can automatically associate the survey to that Persona.
- Surveys not associated with campaigns will always prompt the customer for phone number or email. This is done to link the survey to a customer profile.
- If a persona does not already exist based on the PII entered, the customer will receive an error. We cannot add a new persona as we do not have proper consent via surveys.
- If you allow for anonymous responses, the surveyw ill not prompt the customer for a phone or email. This anonymous response will not be associated with any personas in dash and they cannot be included in any Audience creation.
Anonymous Reponses
- If enabled, this setting allows PII capture to be optional.
- What this means is, if we accept a survey reponse that has PII (ie. response comes from a campaign) we will apply the survey response to that persona. If we do not have PII (ie. response comes from survey on retailer website without prompt for PII), we will not assign the response to a persona, but anonymous data will still be available to review in Surveys.
- If disabled, Surveys not associated with campaigns will always prompt the customer for phone number or email. This is done to link the survey to a customer profile.
- Header Text: Displays at the top of form
- Subheader text: Describe what they are signing up for (leave blank to hide).
- Consent text: Shows beneath the Submit button
- Thank you popup: Optionally show a header and message post-form-submit.
- Your logos, text, form fields, and button styles will default to your Global Branding Settings, but you can override them per survey as you like.
- Submit Button: You can change the copy here.
- Redirect URL: Customer will get redirected to this URL after signup is completed.
If you want your survey to be a Popup Forms, toggle ON "This survey is a popup". Otherwise, leave as OFF.