This document provides comprehensive guidance on utilizing Campaign Builder 2.0, which was launched in January 2024. For those who opt to keep using the original version, detailed information and support can be found on the Campaigns Builder (Legacy) page for more information.
AIQ allows you to house all your messaging tools under one roof. Email, Voice, Text, Native Push, Browser Push, and Direct Mail notifications are all available with AIQ's suite of messaging tools.
1. Email Campaigns
2. Voice Drops
4. Native App
All your campaigns, active and inactive, can be found by heading to the Marketing dropdown in the left-hand navigation bar of your AIQ dashboard and clicking on Campaigns
- Status: the campaign is inactive or has been paused. Click the red "pause" button to activate a campaign
- Campaign name: choose a name that speaks to the nature of the campaign and is easily searchable in the future. This is used for internal purposes and will not be public to your customers.
- Scheduled for: tells you when the campaign was scheduled to send and if was a Blast or Ongoing campaign
- Last msg sent: This indicates the time that the last message was sent or the campaign has finished sending to all the contacts in the audience you selected
- ID: the unique identifier for this campaign. Search by this ID or create audiences of people that have received this message using this ID
- Created: when the campaign was first published, regardless of activation status
- Updated: any changes that were made after the campaign was created
Under Action in the top-right corner of the Campaigns page, you have options to Edit, Copy, or Delete a campaign
- Open / Edit: make changes to an existing campaign. Editing active campaigns can affect the functionality
- Clone / Copy: Create a new, identical version of an existing campaign. This is a great way to A/B test a campaigns by altering one aspect and monitoring success rates
- Delete / Archive: Removes and turns off an existing campaign. Find your archived campaigns by flipping the Archived toggle to Show at the top of the Campaigns page
Organize your campaigns by location, product preference, incentivized, etc.
Click Create Group at the top of the page, name the Campaign Group, and select the campaigns you want to be added to that group
- right click an existing campaign group name from the group list on the Main Campaigns page.
- Click edit group and follow the prompts in the modal to add campaigns to the already established group.
No, but there is a possibility that if the carrier the contact is using is a subsidiary of a "blocked" carrier, the message will still get through. There are 180+ carriers we work with. While we are currently blocking specific carrier-tagged devices as defined by the aggregators, number porting and other edge cases exist where these carriers might not have 100% control of the delivery network.
Our priority channel system actively monitors events from your audiences, such as email and app opens, SMS carrier blocking, and opt-in status changes to maintain an accurate picture of where your audience is reachable for messaging. In real time, Waterfall will automatically redirect the message to the next available channel in the priority list.
To set Campaign channel priority:
1. Open the Campaign Builder
2. Draft messages using at least two of the messaging tools
3. Set the priority by clicking and dragging the options in numerical order
4. Continue building the campaign as you normally would
If a customer only opts into the 2nd priority message channel, AIQ will automatically skip the first channel and send the message via the next channel. In the example above, if a customer is subscribed to Email messages but opts out of Text messages, Waterfall will skip Text messages and send an email.
Head to the Marketing section in your AIQ dashboard and click Campaign Reports. At the top of the page, you'll see a cumulative breakdown of all your campaigns, but you can also see a breakdown by individual campaign.
Open individual campaign reports by clicking on the + symbol to the left of any campaign
On the left is a breakdown of each channel's deliverability and the right shows the campaign stats overall through the funnel