Store settings
Order Settings

Shipping Settings


Payment Types

Only pre-payment payment types (Debit, Credit Cards, Apple/Google Pay, ACH) are supported for shipping. Select which ones you'd like to support for your store.

AIQ Ecommerce integrates with Stripe and Square for Credit Card payments.

Shipping Terms

Include any additional terms you would like customers to be aware of here. This will show up under the shipping address field.

Shipping Fees

Shipping fees set here are completely customizable - custom name, amount (%/$), taxable or not - and you can set as many as you want. However, any fees set here will apply to all shipping orders. In order to set shipping fees for specific addresses or categories of goods, use shipping zones. How to add a Shipping Fee:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Fees section and click Add Fee.
  2. Enter a fee name, the amount (this can be applied as either a percentage or a dollar amount), and click the checkbox if this fee is taxable.
  3. Once finished, click Save in the top right of the page header to save your changes.

Note: Marking a fee as taxable means the fee will be taxed based on your stores tax settings. This will not compound with your other taxes.

Shipping Zones

Shipping Zones are intended to allow maximum customizability for you. You’re able to set states and provinces (in Canada) that you can ship to, category of items that you can ship, as well as zone specific shipping fees.Β 

If you are planning to use and display dynamic shipping rates you will need to enable the EasyPost Integration. Once enabled, those rates will automatically display for customers; any and all shipping fees you set for shipping zones will be added on top of the automatic dynamic shipping rates.Β 

Once a zone for a specific state and category is set, you cannot have overlapping zones.

How to create a Shipping Zone:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Zones section and click Add Zone.
  2. Within the drawer, you will:
    1. Name this particular zone. This is used internally to help you identify your various shipping zones.
    2. Select which area(s) you are able to ship to.
    3. Add a shipping fee applicable to this specific zone. If you don't have a fee for this zone, you can skip this.
    4. Add which product categories are available to ship to this zone.
  3. Once finished, hit Save in the top right of the drawer.

Shipping Packages

In order to more accurately predict shipping package rates, you will need to create some standardized package sizes with weights.

How to add a Shipping Package:

  1. Navigate to the Shipping Packages section and click Add Package.
  2. Enter the length, height, and width dimensions. These can be entered either in inches or centimeters.
  3. Enter the minimum and maximum weight for the package. These can be entered either in pounds or ounces.
  4. Once finished, click Save in the top right of the page header to save your changes
