Getting Started

SEO Menu


AIQ Ecommerce's SEO menu is designed to turn your menu into a sales generating asset for your online presence that boosts your overall SEO for all product names, strains, categories, and more.

SEO menu provides your website with all of the benefits of a native menu without the extensive custom development and associated costs.

When using the SEO menu, every product on your menu gets a dedicated page with a properly formatted URL. In addition, you can dynamically set the Page Title and Meta Description to be SEO-optimized for every single product page.

SEO Menu Developer Setup

To get the SEO Menu setup on your domain using a reverse proxy, please see our documentation in-app under Store > Developers > SEO Menu or reach out to our support for help.

Reverse Proxy

There are many products that can handle these requests. We recommend using Cloudflare, which is free to set up and inexpensive to upgrade to handle additional requests.

Proxy Rate Limited Error

If you hit a rate limit error, or if rate limiting is a concern based on your historical website traffic rates, we recommend starting with a subscription plan that includes unlimited requests.

You can upgrade your subscription through Cloudflare (or your provider of choice) at any time to allow for unlimited requests and avoid this rate limiting from occurring again in the future.

Alternatively, you will need to wait until your request limit has been reset with your provider (typically the next billing cycle) before menu forwarding can continue.

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SEO Menu Setup in AIQ Ecommerce

To configure your settings in AIQ Ecommerce, see SEO Menu Setup and SEO Menu Sitemaps.