Product Groupings
- Navigate to Menu > Products
- Use the filter or search to display only the items you would like to Group (all items in the filtered list will be updated).
- Note: You can also search specific products by using the SKU or ProductId from the POS, separated by a comma (e.g. 123456, 789012)
- Select the more button dropdown (...) in the top right and select 'Bulk Update'.
- The Bulk Update Products panel will open.
- From the Group dropdown, select 'Grouped'
- Confirm.
Follow the steps above, but in Step 5 instead of selecting "Grouped" from the dropdown, select "Not Grouped".
You'll usually be grouping products that have different Sizes or Weights. Make sure that data is entered in (or pulled from the POS).
To add a size: Go to Product Details > Details and input a Size (e.g. 'S' or 'Small') for each product in the group. Sizes which will appear on the frontend as buttons (see below).
All items will appear as separate items in the backend. This allows you to control details, discounts, pictures, etc. for each size/weight.
Product details that can be different across different weights / sizes:
- Name
- Image(s)
- Pricing (including discounts)
- Quantity
- Size, Weight, Weight Unit
- Status (enabled or disabled)
- Labs
- SKU & Product ID
Product details that are the same (if changed for one product in the group, the details for all will be updated):
- Brand
- Category
- Subcategory
- Description
- Compliance, Strain, Type
- Effects
- Featured & New flags
Once you click into an item, you will be able to see all other products included in the group in the Group tab (this tab will only show if there is a group).
When you view the item from the menu, you will see all sizes/weights listed in the thumbnail with their corresponding pricing:

In the Product Details screen, users can see the picture, labs, price, discount, etc. of grouped products and these details will change if the data is different (e.g. price is different for a small vs large option) depending on which size/weight you select from the buttons: