
Product Catalog


Note: The Product Catalog is only available for certain regulated industries. If you have a menu outside of those industries, it will not show nor be used for filling in missing product data.

The AIQ Ecommerce product catalog can be used to fill in missing product images and data that's not input into your POS. It contains over 100,000 unique products, and we're always working on adding more.

The product catalog syncs overnight. If you add your menu data or add new products during the day, you will see missing data fill in from the product catalog overnight. Please contact support if this is a blocker.

How it Works

  • Products will feed in from your POS.
  • AIQ Ecommerce will attempt to automatically make a product match when there is missing data. We must get at least these 3 pieces of information from your POS in order to match:
    • Product Name
    • Brand
      • If the Brand name is spelled differently, we will try to find an alias from our Brand Database
    • Category (e.g. Flower)
  • If a match is found, AIQ Ecommerce will fill in any blank information, including image.
    • AIQ Ecommerce will never override a field that contains data.
  • If no match is found, or you want to change the match, you can manually search our catalog.

Enable Product Catalog

  1. Navigate to Store > Settings > Products
  2. Toggle to enable Product Catalog
  3. Save

What if the match was wrong?: Editing product catalog data

You cannot edit the product catalog itself, but you can edit your own menu, or manually find a different match.

Manually matching

  1. Navigate to Menu > Products
  2. Select the product
  3. At the top of the Details tab, you will see a link to the Product Catalog (only visible if you've enabled the product catalog - see above). Click it.
  4. Search the Product Catalog or use one of the suggestions.
  5. Click the 'Add' button
  6. Save

Editing product data in AIQ Ecommerce

If AIQ Ecommerce has filled in product data that you'd like to edit, you can:

  1. Navigate to Menu > Products
  2. Select the product
  3. Edit the fields that you'd like to change.
  4. Click Save

Editing product data in your POS

If you are not able to edit the fields in AIQ Ecommerce because you have marked these as only editable in your POS (see POS Settings), you will need to go into your POS to edit the data and that will sync over to AIQ Ecommerce and override any product catalog data.

What if there's no product catalog match?

There are several ways in which AIQ Ecommerce will attempt to fill in missing data. In order:

1. Search Product Catalog (only if enabled) 2. Search Brand Database

  • Brand category image
  • Brand Logo

3. Default to category image

  • AIQ Ecommerce will set defaults, you can override with a custom image

Still have missing images or product data?

We do not have every product in the database, but are always working on adding more! Reach out if any of yours are missing.