Loyalty Settings

Points Accrual by Opt-in Status


Feature is currently in BETA testing. Please reach out to our support team if you would like to BETA test feature before full rollout.

What is points accrual by opt-in status?

To drive value of communication channels and encourage opt-ins, retailers can require loyalty customers to opt into one or more specific channels in order to accrue loyalty points.

Opt-in Status: a user has explicitly given their consent to receive communications, marketing messages, or be part of a service. This status ensures compliance with data privacy regulations and shows that the user has granted permission voluntarily.


  • Cost efficient
  • Higher opt-in rates
  • Targeted and relevant communication

How it works

Points Freeze Windows

What is a points freeze window?

A point freeze window is a set period of time where points cannot accrue for selected customers.

When a customer opts out the required communication channel(s), they will enter a point freeze and have points reset to zero (0). Only when they opt back in to all required channels will we remove the points freeze and the loyalty customer can begin collecting points again.

eg. If any communication channel is required, and Jane Doe opts out of all communication channels, Jane will enter a points freeze window and have points balance reset to zero. If Jane opts back into text, and any channel is required, she will start accruing points again.

When a customer enters into a points freeze, we do not change their loyalty status. They will remain an active loyalty customer. If a persona is actively in an opt out freeze window, discounts will not be available.

Start Date

When setting up required channels, it is recommended to start a set date using the 'Delay enforcement until after' field. If there is a start date applied, only opt-outs after that date will be able to trigger an opt-out freeze window.

If there is no start date applied, the freeze windows will be retroactive and points will not accrue until the first valid opt in(s) per persona. This can severely impact points accrual and historic balances.

Audience Targeting Traits

Personas that are actively in an opt out freeze window can be targeted via the isInOptOutFreezeWindow trait.

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Zero Points Balance if Opted Out

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If setting is enabled, loyalty customers who opt out of the required messaging channel(s) will have their loyalty points balance zero out.

If setting is disabled, loyalty customers who opt out of the required messaging channel(s) will not lose any points but they will not be able to use points or discounts or collect new points.


Retailers can also find a count of personas in the opt-out freeze window in Analytics > Members Club Tab.

Total opt-out freeze window: the number of personas in a point freeze window due to their opt-in statuses as of the report's end date.

Use Cases

Allow points accrual if a customer is opted in to any communication channel

  1. Navigate to Settings > Loyalty > Accrual by Opt-In Status
  2. Toggle on all channels
  3. Optionally, enable zeroing points balance if you would like customers' points to zero out when opting out of required messaging channels.
  4. Optionally, set a start date using 'Delay enforcement until after' field
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Allow points accrual if a customer is opted into a specific channel

  1. Navigate to Settings > Loyalty > Accrual by Opt-In Status
  2. Toggle on required channel
  3. Optionally, enable zeroing points balance if you would like customers' points to zero out when opting out of required messaging channels.
  4. Optionally, set a start date using 'Delay enforcement until after' field
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Require opt-in to all channels to allow points accrual

  1. Navigate to Settings > Loyalty > Accrual by Opt-In Status
  2. Toggle on each channel you would like to make required.
  3. Toggle on 'Require All Channels' to require an opt-in for all channels selected
    1. Can be used to set up any combination of 2 or more channels.
  4. Optionally, enable zeroing points balance if you would like customers' points to zero out when opting out of required messaging channels.
  5. Optionally, set a start date using 'Delay enforcement until after' field
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