Order Analytics
Under the Oder Analytics tab of the My Analytics section of your AIQ account there are multiple ways to track your revenue. Being able to view your revenue stats for different timeframes is a powerful resource that can help you identify your peak retail times.
Using either average revenue or average number of orders you can view your top performing:
- Hour of the Day
- Day of the Week
- Month of the Year
You can also show the top performing table to easily copy and past the data into another worksheet to analyze further
View a heat-map like grid of your total Orders or Revenue by Day to easily call out trends to manage your resources and get the best results our of your busiest periods.
This view is also great to use for a high level snapshot to easily see when areas for improvement exist.
- Green = Above average
- Blue = Average
- Purple = Below average
- Red = Zero revenue or orders
Updated 14 May 2024
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