
Offer Analytics


You can see how well your offers performed by looking at the redemption column on the Offers tab.

1. Navigate to Menu > Offers

2. View the Redemption column for each offer you've created.


The number of times this offer has been redeemed.

Discount ($)

The total dollar amount that was discounted from the regular price.

This may vary per order depending on the type of offer. For example, a cart discount of 5% will have different discount amounts per order.

Revenue ($)

The revenue associated with just the offer (not total amount of the order).

If the order was cancelled, we will subtract that data from all metrics.

Example Cart:

  • "BOGO Coffees" deal for $10
    • Regular price for these items is $14, so discount is $4
  • Coffee Beans for $16 (no discount)
  • Total: $26

Redemption analytics for the offer "BOGO Coffees" will show:

  • Count: 1
  • Discount: $4
  • Revenue: $10

If you have your POS integration setup to override AIQ Ecommerce totals from your point of sale, the offers analytics will not show as the totals come from your point of sale and not AIQ Ecommerce. Please check with your POS for analytic reporting.