Loyalty App

Native Loyalty App FAQs


App Setup FAQs

How long until my app goes live?

Once the app is submitted to Apple and Google it takes on average 5 business days for apps to be approved. This timeframe could take longer if there are any rejections for more information from Apple or Google.

How do I get the test app?

To test the apps, the test users must first be added to the appropriate developer account, either Apple or Google. For Apple users, AIQ will need the Apple ID email tied to the account, and for Google users, AIQ will need the Google Play Store email associated with the account. The first email you will receive will be an invitation to join the developer accounts. Once you have accepted that invitation, confirm with us, and AIQ will send you the link to test the apps.

How should I style my push notifications?

Check out our How to style messages guide for how to make your notifications pop!

What if I want to create a custom app and enhance it with AIQ's data?

If you choose this path, you can construct your custom app and link it to your account through our API's. This connection enables you to implement features like point system displays, deal presentations and redemptions, and refer-a-friend programs. For more information, you can refer to our API Reference guide

Support FAQs

Why are users getting an error message about not being able to see the shop tab in the Apple app?

Apple requires that app users have location services enabled AND be within the state the dispensary holds a cannabis license.

Why am I not receiving push notifications on my phone?

First, check that the app user has push notifications enabled, the user falls into the audience, and the user receives the message via native app push instead of SMS or email.

If all are true, reach out to Support to check the push distribution certificate and push out an app update.

Why am I not seeing the changes I made in my app settings in the app?

Changing anything in the app store branding settings (app name, subtitle, description, keywords, app icon, and preview images) or the loading image requires an app update to be pushed out and approved before those changes are seen in the live app version.

How long does it take for an app update to go live?

It typically takes 1-2 days for app updates to be built and approved to go live, but it could be longer if there are any rejections.

Can I have more than one App?

We support 1 native app per advertiser account in AIQ. You can have multiple apps under the same developer accounts as long as they are all part of the legal entity/organization that the developer accounts are set up as.

Can I have multiple store-specific menus in the same App?

Yes, you can set up store-specific menus in the app and the user can choose between them based on the favorite store selector.

What if my menus are from multiple different ecommerce providers (I use Ecom1 in State1 and Ecom2 in State2)?

Yes, you can do this: It will show the customer the correct menu based on location/preferred store.

Can I use my own App via AIQ?

Yes, you can use AIQ's API for your 3rd party developed app.

Why is there no shop tab in the Google app?

Google's policy is they do not allow the sale of some regulated products within their apps. We have disabled the shop tab for specific regulated industries for this reason.

If they catch regulated products being sold in an app, they can potentially reject or even suspend the app. This would mean a brand new app under a different name would need to be developed and and submitted again for Google to review.

If you wish to try and force a shop tab in the Google/Android app, we do give you this option in the native app settings. Moving forward with the shop tab in the Google/Android app, you accept the risk that the app could be rejected or even permanently suspended.

Why am I not seeing the “buy now” button in the order history tab?

Clients must have pro-level app, marketing, and loyalty to use this dynamic content feature within the native app. We will only show the “buy now” button for orders purchased within the last 2 weeks. This is due to trying to save by not pulling a ton of items that have a higher chance of being out of stock.

How do I switch to the AIQ Loyalty App from a previous provider?

If you own the Apple and Google developer accounts, add AIQ as an admin user and configure your app settings in AIQ (same as normal setup).

For Google, AIQ will need the following information from your previous developer, so we can update your Google app with our version. You will need to provide the following information to your AIQ Native App Specialist:

  • Keystore Password
  • Key Alias
  • Key Password
  • .jks file

Note: If you are switching from a previous provider to an AIQ Loyalty App, your customers will need to opt-in to push notifications again, create a new account, and enable location services - this does not carry over since it is a new app.

How Do I Delete My App?

If you decide to discontinue your native app, all you need to do is delete your app through your app developer account. It's as simple as that.

If you're switching to a different marketing or loyalty system provider and want to retain your developer account: you'll need to upload an app bundle provided by your new system (given they have native apps available) and set the bundle's release date to your transition date. After the transition date, you can remove your old app bundles since the codebase won't be usable anymore. Alternatively, AIQ can stop API services for the old bundles from the transition date.

Do we have geofencing in the app?

No, we no longer support geofencing due to changes in Apple and Android's location-tracking policies introduced in 2023.