Store settings

Medical Settings


Note: This setting is only relevant to certain industries.

To Enable

  1. Navigate to Store Settings > Info > Store Type
  2. Select Medical

How is it used?

If medical, Medical ID (aka Patient ID) number and expiration can be enabled/disabled at checkout. To enable medical ID at checkout, see Order Settings

Sister Med/Rec Store

If your store is both Med and Rec, you can link them to include a Med/Rec toggle in the header.

Use same printer for Med/Rec

If you would like to use the same printer for the medical and recreational instances, use our Print from Another Store settings.

Before these settings are turned on, make sure a printer is set up on one of the stores that will be sharing the same printer. See our printing guide for more info.

  1. Navigate to store > settings > info in the app.
  2. Ensure that the Does this dispensary have a sister Rec/Med store? setting is enabled and the sister store is selected in the dropdown on both instances.
  3. Navigate to the store that does not have a printer setup.
  4. Go to store > settings > info.
  5. Enable print from your sister Rec/Med store and save on the right.
  6. Once enabled, navigate to settings > orders and enable Auto Print Orders.
Printer setup