
Market Spotlight


This tool gives you detailed insights into specific retailers, brands, and individual products.

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Your Company

When you first load the page you'll be looking at the previous 7 days' data in the data snapshot at the top of the page.

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Click View detailed stats under 'Your Company' and find data on:

  • Sales by category
  • Sales by retail store
  • Retailers low on stock
  • Top-selling retailers (from e-commerce transactions)
  • Top-selling products (from e-commerce transactions)
  • Top-selling retailers (from point-of-sale transactions)
  • Top-selling products (from point-of-sale transactions)
  • Retailers NOT selling your products
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Click the + sign to unlock more detailed data on that specific object.

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Your watchlist

If you want to keep an eye on specific brands, retailers, and/or products, click Customize next to 'You Watchlist' to quickly jump to any items you want to consistently view.

Click More... under any tile to fully load data prior to adding to 'Your Watchlist'.

Alias Manager

If the spelling of your brand name varies, like "WEED" and "W33D", and retailers upload difference variations of your brand name into their system, you may not be looking at a full dataset if you're only looking at one variation. AIQ's Alias Manager consolidates these variations so you can see how a brand is performing in its entirety, regardless of spelling.

The Instance input should be filled with the name you’re mapping to (WEED), and the alias input should be filled with the name being re-mapped (W33D). Variations of names can be found by searching the varying tables in Market Spotlight.

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Click + Alias and then Save Alias and moving forward, all data pulled from the Alias will be found in the Instance.

Search functionality

The data that populates when the page first loads will be from the previous seven days. Search for a specific brand/retailer/product and add in your geographic and category parameters. You can also use the Geofence tool to draw a boundary around a specific area.

Date range: The default date range is the previous seven days compared to seven days prior to that. If you only put in a 'Date Range' and don't add parameters for 'Compare Against', the % deltas in each of the tiles below will default to the same date range immediately prior to your 'Date Range'.

Click Run Analysis.

How to use the tiles

Click on any object to pull up a 'Detailed View' or more detailed view of that specific object, similar to the View detailed stats view under 'Your Company'.

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Quickly add an object to your 'Your Watchlist' from this super table by clicking Add to watchlist at the top of the table.

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Click More... to view a 'super table' of all the objects that match your search criteria.

Flip the Show uplift? toggle to see metrics deltas that will pull from the date range you set.

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Spotlight search categories


Data is pulled from gross pre-sale transactions. The % and $ deltas are calculated from the date range you set compared to the 'Compare Against' date range. If you did not set a 'Compare Against' date range it will default to the same date range immediately prior to the 'Date Range'.

Out of stock

The Retailers tile shows how many of 'Your Company's' SKUs are out of stock and a how many days until your product is out of stock at that retailer.

The Brands tile shows how many retailers are 'low' on product and how many days are left until your product is out of stock of that brand.

Distribution success

This is showing the number of brands a retailer is selling or number of retailers a brand is being sold at.

Order Velocity

This section shows the number of retailers, brands, and/or products that were sold during the date range input in the search parameters.

Price Fluctuations

This section shows the highest average price uplift. This is the retailer or brand's average price and respects the average price of the data date range.

Additional Considerations

Due to state restrictions in Missouri, Florida, and Oklahoma, we cannot automatically add Menus to Market Spotlight. We must add them manually. If a menu is missing, all we need is its URL.