Legacy Signup Forms
Use signup forms to capture new loyalty members and to trigger communication and marketing opt-ins for messaging.
1. Navigate to Customers > Sign Up Forms
2. Click Create New
3. Choose the fields you want to capture:
- Required will display with a red asterisk (*), Optional will be accepted blank, and Disabled will keep the field hidden.
- We recommend less than 3-4 fields for quick and meaningful captures.
- If you want to be able to market to your customers, you should require Phone Number and/or Email - or at least have on the form as optional.
You have the option to automatically opt customers into SMS marketing via your signup form by enabling specific toggles. For a guide on how to do this, see our SMS/MMS Text Campaigns messaging guide.
4. Set your custom branding (keep blank for default account images):
- Header Photo: Set your header photo/logo to appear on the signup form.
- Cover Photo: Set your cover/background photo for the sign up form.
5. Style your Signup form:
- Customize the style and color of your signup form buttons and text.
6. Enter and Custom CSS you would like (not required)
7. Enter custom text for your sign up form:
- Signup Form Name: For you to keep track of your different forms.
- Page title: Displays at the top of form under the banner.
- Body text: Describe what they are signing up for.
- Consent text: Used to legally cover that you are asking for sign up consent and age-gating.
- Signup Button Text: The title for the form submit button.
- Thank You Title: The thank you title text for after the form is completed.
- Thank You Message: The thank you message text that shows after the form is completed.
- Redirect URL: Customer will get redirected to this URL after signup is completed.
You can add your own custom fields to the signup form.
- While creating your Signup Form, on the Configure Fields tab, scroll to Custom Form Fields section and click Add Custom Field
- You can either Create a New custom field or Select from your existing custom fields. If Creating New:
- Name the field, select Type
- Input: user types in their answer
- Select: user must select one option from list
- Multi-select: user can select multiple options from list
- Fill in your question information
- Click Create field
You can create audiences around custom inputs using the audience requirement
Custom brand trait / [label name] / contains / [option name]
Navigate to Customers > Signup Forms, there are multiple ways to share:
- From the table view, you can copy the link and download store-specific links
- From a specific signup form's details, click the share button which opens a slideout with some shareable options:
- Store URL: Select the store to receive the store-specific url , QR code, and embed.
- Download Store-Specific Links: Download all store-specific urls in a CSV file.
- Main signup URL: best used on your tablet in-store check out, auto refreshes after each signup.
- Main signup QR Code: download the image and use it for scanning in person, print out and put up.
- Main signup embed: show the form on your own store site and encourage signing up there.
- Each sign up form has a unique URL which will be tied to the persona profile for any customer who completes the form.
- You can use the signup URL to track event attendance or include specific custom traits on the form to track user engagement.