Minimize your efforts to publish brand-specific campaigns by installing a Co-Marketing Template at the click of a button.
Head to Co-Marketing in your AIQ dashboard to see a list of available Templates.
Search Templates by specific name, category, or brand and sort to see what Templates are trending or have been viewed the most.

Brands have the option to cover the cost of messages sent after activating a Template. You can easily spot these via the blue tag under any Template name. Brands can opt to cover the entire cost of the campaign or a portion of it. The percentage of the campaign covered will be noted in the blue tag.
Don't see one of your favorite brands with available prepaid Templates yet? You can trigger an invite or (notification) to be sent directly from the platform to let them know you are on AIQ! Simply enter the email address of the Brand to reach out to and we will send them an automated invite!

If they have never used AIQ before we will send them an invite to see what the platform is all about so they can get started making Templates with AIQ for you!

If they are already using the platform but don't use Templates yet, we will let them know!