Discount Redemption Options
Discounts can be set up for redemption in many ways: static $ or % off, or triggering additional reward options through a POS or other supported integrated platform.
- Points required to redeem
- Set the number of points needed to redeem the discount
- Can this discount be used more than one time?
- Defaulted to OFF, meaning the discount can only be used 1 time.
- If toggled to ON, the discount can be used an unlimited number of times.
- Require a cooldown between each redemption: Set the time between allowed redemptions of the discount.
- Only available if discount can be redeemed greater than 1 time
- Hide the Redeem button
- Hides the redeem button as the discount-level, so that customers can't redeem this discount. Only Staff members will be able to redeem the discount through AIQ.
Depending on the integration you’ll need to set these options for the discount to show through your POS or Ecommerce provider.
- Dollars or % to take off of purchase total
- Spending Requirement
Not enforced by all integrations. Please check with your POS or Ecom provider to see if they support this.
- Stacking
Currently only enforced by Blaze + Tymber

Same coupon code is used for all customers
Coupon codes can be entered into AIQ from a third party provider (e.g. your POS) or generated in AIQ.
- Codes are limited to a single use. Personas will receive a unique code tied to the discount in their AIQ wallet.
- Unique codes can also be used to share discounts and rewards for customers who do not already have personas or access to your store wallet. (Example: in-store, real-time raffles).
- Cold mailers can be sent out that include a unique discount code for incentives. This means no codes will be reused, while the friction of customer's signing up before their first purchase is negated.
Third-Party-Generated Coupon Codes
- Coupon codes generated using a supported POS and entered into AIQ can be redeemed natively using the POS.
AIQ-generated Coupon Codes
- Coupon codes generated using AIQ will need to be redeemed from the customer's wallet or by staff.
- When building a new discount using AIQ generated codes, it is best practice to determine the audience size, so you know how many codes to generate.
- You must save the discount before codes can be generated.
- If all codes are used and you would like to add more you can edit the discount to generate additional codes.
- Codes can be customized with a code prefix to help with discount identification.
For more information on embedding unique discount codes to campaigns, see our Campaign Builder article and select "Discount macros" from the table of contents.
- Enter the ID for the mirrored discount made within your POS.
- Enter your Barcode value and format.
If enabled, customers can only use this discount if no other discount is being redeemed
Discount Stacking is currently only enforced by Blaze + Tymber.

Creating a static discount to use in combination with a triggered partner platform reward allows for unique rewards redemptions.
Example: 15% off for the discount and free swag redeemed through the POS via a unique discount code included within the standard discount in the customer wallet.
Discounts stacking and redemption combinations are not available while using all POS and Ecommerce integrations. Reach out to support for more info.
Static discounts can only be applied in conjunction with triggered partner platform rewards.
Static $ off cannot be used at the same time as a static % off.