Common use cases
Point-of-Sale integration

Tier 1 & 2 integration


Tier level

Features including all previous Tier levels


- Ability to get transaction history


- Ability to get and update contacts

- Ability to get inventory levels, cost/ margin

Tier 1 & 2 integration guide:

AIQ offers two integration methods for point-of-sale (POS) systems:

  • Option 1: Provide AIQ with REST API endpoints
  • Option 2: Send our endpoints data at your leisure using our public REST API endpoints

Please reach out to us to determine which integration method best suits your needs!

Option 1: Provide AIQ with REST API endpoints to:

  • Get transactions & customer records by time range
  • It is preferred to make sure that we have inventory stock/ margin/ cost within those calls in order to calculate advanced analytics + facilitate automated recommendations of products to customers/staff

After we integrate those features all POS systems have the premium option to integrate our loyalty wallet and redemptions of discounts directly within the POS native UI. You can see an example of these endpoints in action both within Dutchie & LeafLogix (videos on page):

Option 2: Send our endpoints data at your leisure using the endpoints below

If needed, our team is also well versed in pulling the required data in from other sources (Database tables, flat files such as CSV's, daily OneDrive drops, etc.

Add/ update POS transactions Use this endpoint to post transactions that are occuring on your service to AIQ. We will handle accruing points for loyalty programs, analyzing, updating inventory, etc. We leverage pos_user to map to a full contact ("Persona") we should attribute the sale to.


Submit personas attached to transactions Use this endpoint so that AIQ can "attach" order details to the customer that made the transaction. This allows for deep analysis and segmentation on customer preferences. AIQ can also fire off new optin requests to join loyalty/ member club programs.


Create and Update Inventory To update inventory sent POST requests with an array of items. Max items per call is 100 with SKU/ product ID as required params.