Customer Ecommerce UX

Customer Login


While viewing the menu, you can log in to your account from either the main menu or at the checkout screen.

Note: We do not offer Google SSO or Microsoft SSO for the ecommerce menus.

Main Menu

  1. On the menu, click the "Log In" button in the upper right hand corner.
  2. From there, you will be prompted to input your account email and password.
  3. If you are new and would like to create an account, toggle to "Sign up" and enter in your account information.
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  1. At checkout if you would like to login to your account, click "Log In" on the right hand side.
  2. From there you will be prompted to enter in the email and password associated with the account.
  3. If you would like to create an account, select "New Customer" on the right.
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