


Navigate to Menu > Categories.

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Default Categories

AIQ Ecommerce uses default standard product categories for certain industries. However, you have the ability to change their settings (Name, Icon), delete them, create new ones, hide them from your menu, and more.

Add a Category

  1. Navigate to Menu > Categories
  2. Click the add plus button in the upper right
  3. Give your category a name, slug (URL), description (optional), fill out other settings (see Category Settings), and add products to it.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Reorder your new category to right spot in the list (see below for reordering)

Delete a Category

  1. Navigate to Menu > Categories
  2. Click on the relevant category
  3. Click the more menu in the header (...)
  4. Click Delete.
  5. NOTE: If you are deleting a system category, and you have products that are assigned to that category, you will be prompted to reassign those to a different system category. This is optional.

Reorder Categories

You can arrange your categories in any order you would like to. Simply use the arrows to toggle up and down or enter in the desired number in the number field.

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Hide Categories

You can hide categories from your menu by using the status toggle.

Offers Category

The Offers category acts a bit differently than others as the Offers page has its own distinct functionality.

You can't delete this category, but you can show/hide it from the menu. The offer category only displays as on the menu as a category icon, it does not as a home list category.

You will not see Offers settings for: System category, Default product image, Menu Image, Products.

Products will populate for this category by either being on sale or as part of a deal.

Pin Products

You can pin specific products within a category, or pin by brand. See Pinning Products.

Updated 31 Jan 2025
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