Adjusting Time Slots
Easily update your existing timeslots by following these steps.
Note: If your account is seeing lingering issues from daylight savings change, you will need to make updates to your default or custom timeslots. For default time slots, stores can adjust a single field to regenerate accurate times. For additional time slots, please update time start and end and hit save.
Adjusting default time slots will override all existing time slots per order type. If you utitlize both default and additional time slots per order type, you will need to regenerate the additional timeslots after you reset your defaults.
Access your day settings by navigating to the manage page and selecting the setting wheel in the top navigation bar. Then select Pickup/Delivery Times.

- Select the desired order type you would like to make updates to.
- Select "Edit Defaults"
- Edit the desired fields in each column. If each day has the same configuration, use the copy button to pull your updates into the next day.
- Once the changes are complete, select save.
- You will need to perform this action for each order type
Default time slots may take a couple of minutes to generate

- Use the date picker to ensure you are on the correct date where you'd like the updates to be made.
- Toggle to the order type you wish to update.
- Select the time slot you are looking to update or select the + to add a new one.
- Adjust any of the editable fields desired
- Click save
- Perform these steps for each timeslots you wish to edit.